Community Information
2025 Board of Directors
Ben Brown - President
Julian Blanco – Vice President
Patricia Hatt – Secretary
Dionisio Galarza – Treasurer
Charlie Commons – Member at Large
To be Announced
Meetings are held at:
The Hamptons at Brandon Clubhouse
609 Golden Raintree,
Brandon FL 33510
RSVP at (813) 684-2440
At The Hamptons at Brandon Condominiums, we enforce all COA rules and regulations.​
Resident Information
No Grilling is permitted on enclosed patios, under over-hanging trees or in any breeze ways. Residents can grill in the open areas near the pool, but not on the tennis court or playground area.
Reverse-in parking is strictly prohibited and is enforced 24 hours. All vehicles in violation will be towed at the owners expense.
Swipes Cards, Codes & Parking Decals
Swipe Cards & Codes to access the pools, laundry rooms and pedestrian gates.
Parking Decals are required.
These Items are issued by the management once application has been processed and approved. Application must be approved by the Board of Directors prior to sale or lease. Lost cards can be replaced for a nominal fee.
Please visit the COA office to obtain yours or contact us for more information.
Window Screens
All unit windows must have screens installed on them.
All garbage must be taken to the compactor and immediately compacted. Garbage may not be left in breezeways, on patios, or on vehicles.
Patios and breezeways should be free from any visible items.
Office Open
Monday - Tuesday & Thursday - Friday 9 - 6 PM
Closed for Lunch 1:30-2:30pm
Wednesday 9 - 4 PM
Closed for Lunch 1:00-2:00pm
Please call ahead to schedule an appointment!
Projects in Our Community
(Click image to enlarge.)